oriana howes
spiritual catalyst
I'm so glad you're here. YOU REALLY MATTER, and I'm grateful for your curiosity and interest.
Do you want to live a more conscious and nourishing life?
Do you ever feel unfairly treated or disrespected?
Are you fed up with judgments, conflict and blame?
Do you simply yearn to "be yourself", but don't know how?
Regardless of how you are feeling right now, and what's going on in your life, you absolutely deserve to be happy and to thrive ... to love and cherish yourself, and to be loved and cherished by others, for who you are, not what you do.
The way I see it, we are all spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, and the inner peace and freedom we so desire is innate. Indeed, it is our true nature, and we are already whole, complete and perfect ... fully accomplished, as is the oak tree within the acorn. Yet this state of grace can be very elusive. And perhaps that's why you found your way to these words, and to me.
I have studied numerous modalities over the last 30 years, and these have formed the foundation of my present day offerings. Indeed, supporting others in their unique and precious expansion is one of my greatest pleasures. Thank you for being here.
​​​"The results of working with Oriana have been phenomenal. She has helped to awaken a very deep awareness that has rippled out and touched those around me as much as myself. 'Thank you' will never be enough to this wonderful soul who has instigated such a profound and beautiful transformation in me." ~ JH, Scotland
Please click here for more testimonials
"Your task is not to seek for love, but
merely to seek and find all the barriers within
yourself that you have built against it"
~ Rumi
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